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Helena Zabko Phillips
Autumn Glory
Oil on Linen Board
24cm x 30cm
Oil on Linen
25cm x 30cm
Lemons on a Blue Plate
Oil on Linen
20cm x 25cm
Oil on Linen Board
24cm x 30cm
Oil on Linen
24cm x 30cm

Golden Bowl of Pansies
Oil on Linen
20cm x 25cm

Ripe Red Strawberries on Blue & White China Plate
Oil on linen
20cm x 25cm
Copper & Crabapples
Oil on Linen
18cm x 24cm

Oil on Linen
30cm x 30cm
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Having always had a leaning towards art, it wasn't until later years that I embraced art wholeheartedly. My formative years living on a small, remote Welsh hill farm allowed me to feel the quiet and to really look, see and appreciate my surroundings.
This has had a massive effect on my life and I believe it transfers into my artwork.
Painting predominantly in oils and enjoying it's flow and versatility, I like to paint a variety of subjects, in particular a Still Life.
Setting up a Still Life can be quite a lengthy process as it has to feel 'just right' before I can paint it. For me, painting is a very therapeutic process and I try to convey the sense if quiet and calm that I feel from my subject.
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